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COVID -19 Safety Plan

COVID-19 Safety Plan

14 Days Self Quarantine Period

Brookes College will be in touch with students during this 14 Days Self Quarantine Period. During this period, students must submit:

  1. Daily Online Self-Assessment Form
  2. Detail about Appointment for Covid-19 test in Calgary
  3. Covid-19 Test result

All the students are also required to follow updates on ArriveCan app. The Brookes college officials will be in touch with all the incoming international students for the 14 Days Self Quarantine Period by daily follow up call. Brookes College will facilitate medical and health advice in case of positive COVID-19 result.

Post 14 Days Quarantine Period

Students are expected to join their program at the College (virtual/in-person classes). Brookes College is prepared with all the resources required for the best virtual and blended learning experience with its world-class LMS system, virtual classroom platforms and online testing platforms for quizzes and examinations. Every student must submit an online declaration of their fitness before arrival and adhere to college guidelines for ensuring safety like wearing a face mask, maintaining physical distancing, allowing college staff to measure temperatures, etc., in case of classroom sessions. They are also expected to immediately report any symptoms of COVID-19 at the earliest possible time. Brookes College will facilitate medical and health advice in case of positive COVID-19 result.

Protocol for Campus Operations

Brookes College has adopted extended safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 for the safety of its employees, students, and visitors during this unprecedented pandemic time. These safety measures include:

  • Preparedness for Virtual Education
  • Training and regular periodical evaluation
  • Entry Protocol on Campus
  • PPEs / Self Protective Equipment
  • Physical Distancing Protocols
  • Installation Shield / Barriers
  • Covid-19 Signages
  • Occupancy Limit
  • Hand-Hygiene Protocol
  • House Keeping Protocol
  • First Aid Kit and Mental Health Support
  • Safe Practice Audit

Preparedness for Virtual Education

Brookes College has adopted online educational technologies to facilitate the teaching-learning process with flexibility since its inception. We use a world-class Learning Management System and equipped to conduct instructor-led virtual classes with Zoom and Google Team packages and proctored examinations when required.

Training and regular periodical evaluation

Brookes college has developed an online training module for students and staff members providing a good understanding of COVID-19, its symptoms, spread, workplace safety measures, public health safety measures, housekeeping, hygiene, and sanitation guidelines. All the enrolled international students must undergo the online training program containing guidelines for their pre-arrival, arrival, and mandatory self-quarantine period post-arrival. Each of the students and staff is required to pass this training with 80%. Brookes College will send notification about updates in training contents for continuous evaluation of COVID-19 19 safety measures.

Entry Protocol in Campus

Brookes College adheres strictly to face-covering protocols for everyone on campus in accordance with public health guidelines. Furthermore, body temperature is checked for each staff member, students, and visitors before entering our premises. All the staff and students must submit an online daily Self-Assessment declaration before they enter the campus. Brookes College will maintain a register of all the visitors to its campus as well as staff and students.

PPEs / Self Protective equipment

Brookes College maintains required stock of PPEs such as Disposable Medical Face Masks, Face Shields, and disposable hand gloves as well infra-red thermometers to ensure all the visitors, including staff and students.

Physical Distancing

Brookes college has implemented physical distancing protocols on its campus. It has made all conscious efforts to minimize close contact by encouraging virtual meeting and remote collaborative working amongst staff, students, and visitors. It also has stick footmarks, signages and occupancy limit at common areas on campus.

Installation of Shield / Barriers

We have also installed physical barriers wherever required at all the possible close contact points (such as the reception desk) to ensure campus safety.

COVID-19 Signages

Brookes college has relevant signages at all the prominent locations such as common areas, washrooms, classrooms, etc., to ensure staff, students, and visitors’ safety.

Maintaining Occupancy Limit

Brookes college has enforced the occupancy limit issued periodically by Alberta Government by advising visitors to come with prior appointment and encouraging virtual meeting for students counselling, interviewing, and contact with service providers.

Hand-Hygiene Protocol

Brookes college follows a strict and rigorous hand hygiene protocol for safety. It ensures an adequate supply of hand sanitizers and handwashing soaps. It encourages all the visitors to use hand sanitizer when they enter the campus. Further, many hand sanitizing stations available on campus, such as entry points, classrooms, reception, and staff members’ desk. Each of the staff and student is encouraged to follow correct hand hygiene practice with signages and training.

House Keeping Protocol

Brookes College ensures safety by adopting enhanced housekeeping measures by disinfecting all the common touchpoints and surfaces in common areas such as reception, classrooms, washrooms etc., daily. Staff are instructed to disinfect their workstation, including accessories like computers and phone, every day before they leave. Instructors are also encouraged to ensure regular cleanliness in the classroom before they conclude their sessions. Brookes College has required stock supplies of all the approved disinfectants, wipes, and sanitizers.

Medical and Mental Health Support

Brookes College has a first aid kit with an adequate supply of PPEs on campus. It advises all the staff and students with COVID-19 status in accessing the government medical support system. It also provides resources to its staff and students to cope with mental health issues like anxiety and depressions due to pandemic.

Safe Practice Audit

Brookes College has appointed staff responsible for periodic audit to ensure all the extended safe practices on campus are adhered to. The staff reports directly to the President of Brookes College

International Student Safe Travel and Arrival Training

Please click here for our free training module 

Please click here to download Brookes College COVID-19 Preparedness Plan

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