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Looking to swap career in this changing world?

In this changing world, recent years prove that the work world has been rapidly evolving and it is more important than ever to evolve with it. The days of working for the same company for more than 40 years are long gone, and many employees no longer have the same level of job security that they once did. Many individuals today confront the difficult challenge of needing to shift their career route that they may have been on for most of their working life as entire industries become outdated while completely new ones appear overnight. One of the major reasons people tend to change their career is due to career dissatisfaction.

Global Career Dissatisfaction and Its Effect

The present global change and instability because of the coronavirus epidemic have brought changes in the mind-set of most people. These changes also affect their choices in career, why they choose their career, what drives and motivate them in their career, and a better career to go for if the present one is no more suitable or aligning with the vision. 

As the world is changing, it is proper to consider a change of career. Time is gone when you just feel your career choice is not as important as what puts food on your table. Your career is meant to be a reflection of your passion. Therefore, continuing a passionless career in this changing world can be likened to building on the wrong foundation because it almost won’t serve the test of time. 

The world economy is on hold now because of the uprising coronavirus epidemic, some states and cities of major world countries are on lockdown. This is a time to a decision on to your choice of career., industries are becoming obsolete as new industries spring up overnight with most staff working to get paid. Nevertheless, some workers who are already earning are faced with this obsession of changing the career path they have formerly chosen since it is not working out for them or possibly not what they are wired to do. Most times victims of this sustainable dissatisfaction in chosen careers end being depressed and seeing themselves as a potential failure. 

5 Tips On Changing Career

  1. Be Flexible: Flexibility in the change of career entails getting rid of many preconceptions and notions you might have been living on in the past. When you have a passion for a particular choice of career, first ponder and think about facts, theories, and inventions associated with it. Reflect your thoughts around them and pay attention to them. This will help you develop strong enthusiasm for any career choice you make. 
  2. Get Career Skills: Before deciding on a career choice. Try getting some related skills and experiences. You can learn online, learn from the pros in the field or from any other means. You will equip yourself and develop your mind for the new career . 
  3. Go for A Career That Will Make You Satisfied: This is not about financial stability. This is about emotional and psychological stability. Don’t end being a CEO or staff of a company who will always wish they have gone into farming or manufacturing. Go for what adds spice to your living and gives you the life you have always wanted. 
  4. Know What Your Career Promises: A good career fulfills more than just professional needs. Individually, what a particular career offers as its goody bag and comfort differs. Know what your career promises and the job benefits. An intending doctor already knows he will spend most of his time at the hospital treating people. So he should not complain when a photographer travels around to behold the beauty of nature. 
  5. Resist Any External Pressure or Feeling To Please Anyone While Choosing a Career: Your career and your life pleasure are intertwined, don’t risk your future because someone out there promised you something better when you know it’s not what you would love to do. Choose a career that resonates with your passion. Ignore any feeling to please anyone at the detriment of your future happiness and fulfillment. 


Having a clear picture of what you want when it comes to choosing a career or changing your career is very essential. If you fail to understand this, achieving and living a life of fulfillment while being in control of your future might be difficult. Know what you want when it deals with career ambition and go for what you want. 

If you’re unsure about your career change and the skills required, visit Brookes Learning to browse through a vast library of 500+ online courses and pick a course useful to upgrade your skills for FREE for a limited time.

Furthermore, if you’re looking to get a diploma in Business Administration (Accounting/Retail), Human Services or Medical Office Assistants & Unit Clerks, visit Brookes College where you can finish them in just over a year through asynchronous learning experience and a bunch of FREE services and stuff to get you started. They also offer Continuous Professional Development to support graduates until they land a job.


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